Welcome to Sigma Chi at the University of Illinois

Dear Brothers, Alumni, and Parents:
Sigma Chi is one of the largest national fraternities in the Greek system. It is one of the oldest fraternities on campus here at the University of Illinois. We have tremendous pride in our heritage, which dates back to our roots in 1855 when seven men at Miami of Ohio set the stage to build a new fraternity based on three great aims: friendship, justice, and learning.
When I think of Sigma Chi in terms of friendship and what our founding fathers meant, I think in terms of the bonds of friendship, our brotherhood, which we establish being a member of our fraternity. Our brotherhood is strengthened by our belief that we believe it is a life-long commitment to each other and to our fraternity.
The second great aim of justice tells me that, as a Sigma Chi, you are committed to “doing the right thing.” Our fraternity, Sigma Chi, is worthy of our highest regard, and it is our duty as members to so conduct ourselves that we bring no dishonor to our name. Our badge of Sigma Chi, the White Cross, is a sign of our purity of intention and noble duty, and it represents us as men of honor who have a deep sense of personal responsibility.
Our third great aim of learning is not only about our commitments to our duties as students but about expanding our horizons and seeking what the world has to offer so that we might find our lives’ passions: learning to be men who are tolerable, respectful, and accountable.
As a Sigma Chi, we are obligated to uphold ourselves to a life-long commitment to friendship, justice, and learning.
We desire a fraternity built with men of different temperaments, talents, and convictions. We consider diversity to be critical to our success. Rush is the life blood of our fraternity, and we seek strong men who exemplify the following:
- Men of good character
- A student of fair ability
- With ambitious purposes
- A congenial disposition
- Possessed of good morals
- Having a high sense of honor
- And a deep sense of personal responsibility
Who might you meet when your son graduates?
- A mature man who is ambitious and purpose-filled, ready to meet the challenges of the world
- A man who has reached his academic potential
- A man committed to an attitude of “serving others,” for in giving you receive
- A man who knows what he stands for and will not compromise his values
- A man whose word “can be taken to the bank”
- A man who seeks to first console and understand
That my friend is a Sigma Chi!